simple is better


Author: Roland Koebler (rk at simple-is-better dot org)
Date: 2013-09-17

  /  \`.
 /    \ `.

1   Overview

pyratemp is a very simple, easy to use, small, fast, powerful, modular, extensible, well documented and pythonic template-engine for Python.

It's a template-engine of my "category 3" as described in my thoughts about Template Engines.

It uses a template-language with a small set of Python-like control-structures (if/elif/else, for, and user-defined macros/functions) and directly benefits from Python by using Python-expressions [1].

It's extremely easy to use in Python, well documented and produces good error-messages (incl. line- and column-position) when there is an error in a template.

Additionally, it's extensible and its code is quite small and readable.

[1]or: "pseudo-sandboxed" Python expressions, see Evaluation

1.1   Features

My template-engine has everything I think a template-engine needs:

  • variable-substitution, incl. special-character-escaping (e.g. HTML, mail_header, LaTeX)
  • conditionals (if/elif/else), loops (for/else)
  • template-defined functions/macros/variables
  • inclusion of other templates
  • very powerful expressions (due to Python)
  • pseudo-sandbox: the Python-expressions are evaluated inside a "pseudo-sandbox" which prevents that "bad things" are done by accident; and even a "real" sandbox could be added
  • clear template syntax ("There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it." [2])
  • non-XML, so it can be used for any kind of documents
  • good error-handling and good error-messages, incl. the exact position of an error in the template-file
  • completely uses Unicode
  • fast and lightweight
  • modular: pyratemp consists of several parts, which can be used separately, or even be replaced by an alternative implementation
  • extensible: additional functions can be easily added to the templates, and due to its modularity, the parts can be modified or even replaced
  • small code base, which is well documented and should be easy to read and understand (about 500 lines-of-code + 500 lines of docstrings and comments)
[2]from: The Zen of Python

2   Quickstart

Note:Most examples are in Python 2 syntax. To use them in Python 3, replace u"..." by "..."

Let's begin with an extremely simple example. Start your python-interpreter, and type:

>>> import pyratemp
>>> t = pyratemp.Template("Hello @!name!@.")
>>> print t(name="World")
Hello World.
>>> print t(name="Universe")
Hello Universe.

Now, let's go to a more comprehensive example. Here, we put the template in a separate file, named example.html:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
  <title>A simple example: @!title!@</title>
  This is a simple example, demonstrating pyratemp:
  #! Comments don't appear in the result !#


      <!--(if number==42)-->
        The Answer!
      <!--(elif number==13)-->
        oh no!

    <li>a simple for loop: <!--(for i in range(1,10))--> @!i!@ <!--(end)--></li>

    <li>listing all enumerated elements of a list:
      <!--(for i,element in enumerate(mylist))-->
        <li>@!i+1!@. @!element.upper()!@</li>

<!--(macro myitem)-->



Start python again, and type:

>>> import pyratemp
>>> t = pyratemp.Template(filename="example.html")
>>> result = t(title="pyratemp is simple!", special_chars=u"""<>"'&äöü""", number=42, mylist=("Spam", "Parrot", "Lumberjack"))
>>> print result.encode("ascii", 'xmlcharrefreplace')

And here is the result:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
  <title>A simple example: pyratemp is simple!</title>
  <h1>pyratemp is simple!</h1>
  This is a simple example, demonstrating pyratemp:



        The Answer!

    <li>a simple for loop:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 </li>

    <li>listing all enumerated elements of a list:
        <li>1. SPAM</li>
        <li>2. PARROT</li>
        <li>3. LUMBERJACK</li>




You can also use pyratemp_tool with the included example.html and example.json to play with this example.

More small examples can be found in the pyratemp-docstring (-> pydoc pyratemp).

3   Template syntax

A template is a normal text file, containing some special placeholders and control-structures.

pyratemp uses only a very small set of control-structures (if/elif/else, for/else, macro, raw, include, set_escape) and little special template-syntax ($!..!$, @!..!@, #!..!#, <!--(...)-->). This makes the templates both easy to use and easy to understand [3].

Note that you can find several small examples in the pyratemp-docstring.

[3]"There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it." [The Zen of Python])

3.1   Substitution

The template can contain placeholders, which are replaced by the evaluated result of their contents. pyratemp has two different placeholders:

  • @!EXPR!@ escaped substitution: special characters are escaped
  • $!EXPR!$ unescaped/raw substitution

Normally, you should always use @!...!@, since this escapes special characters. Currently, the following formats are supported:

  • HTML (default): & < > " ' are escaped to &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &quot;, &#39.
  • MAIL_HEADER: encode non-ASCII mail-headers
  • LATEX: \ # $ % & { } _ ~ ^ are escaped.
  • NONE: no characters are replaced

EXPR can be any expression (e.g. a variable-name, an arithmetic calculation, a function-/macro-call etc.), and is evaluated when the template is rendered. Whitespace after @!/$! and before !@/!$ is ignored.


  • hello @!name!@. + name="marvin"
    -> hello marvin.
  • hello escaped: @!name!@, unescaped: $!name!$ + name="<>&'""
    -> hello escaped: &lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&quot;, unescaped: <>&\'"
  • formatted: @! "%8.5f" % value !@ + value=3.141592653
    -> formatted:  3.14159
  • hello --@!name.upper().center(20)!@-- + name="world"
    -> hello --       WORLD        --
  • calculate @!var*5+7!@ + var=7
    -> calculate 42


Comments can be used in a template, and they do not appear in the result. They are especially useful for (a) documenting the template, (b) temporarily disabling parts of the template or (c) suppressing whitespace.

  • #!...!# single-line comment with start- and end-tag
  • #!... single-line-comment until end-of-line, incl. newline

The second version also comments out the newline, and so can be used at the end of a line to remove that newline in the result (like a backslash in Python-strings).

Comments can contain anything, but comments may not appear inside substitutions or block-tags.

3.3   Blocks

The control-structures, macros etc. have a special syntax, which consists of a start-tag (which is named according to the block), optional additional tags, and an end-tag:

<!--(...)-->        #! start tag
<!--(...)-->        #! optional additional tags (e.g. for elif)
<!--(end)-->        #! end tag

All tags must stand on their own line, and no code (except a #!...-comment) is allowed after the tag.

All tags which belong to the same block must have the same indent! The contents of the block does not need to be indented, although it might improve the readability (e.g. in HTML) to indent the contents as well.

Nesting blocks is possible, but the tags of nested blocks must have a different indent than the tags of the enclosing blocks. [4]

There's also a single-line version of a block, which does not need to stand on its own line, but can be inserted anywhere in the template. But note that this version does not support nesting [5]:

[4]Note that you should either use spaces or tabs for indentation. Since pyratemp distinguishes between spaces and tabs, if you mix spaces and tabs, two indentations might look the same (e.g. 8 spaces or 1 tab) but still be different, which might lead to unexpected errors.
[5]Although if you really want to nest single-line blocks, you nevertheless can do that by hiding the inner blocks in macros.

3.3.1   if/elif/else


<!--(if EXPR)-->
<!--(elif EXPR)-->


...<!--(if EXPR)-->...<!--(elif EXPR)-->...<!--(else)-->...<!--(end)-->...

The elif- and else-branches are optional, and there can be any number of elif-branches.

3.3.2   for/else


<!--(for VARS in EXPR)-->
...<!--(for VARS in EXPR)-->...<!--(else)-->...<!--(end)-->...
VARS can be a single variable-name (e.g. myvar) or a comma-separated list of variable-names (e.g. i,val).

The else-branch is optional, and is executed only if the for-loop doesn't iterate at all.

3.3.3   macro

Macros are user-defined "sub-templates", and so can contain anything a template itself can contain. They can have parameters and are normally used to encapsulate parts of a template and to create user-defined "functions". Macros can be used in expressions, just like a normal variable or function.


<!--(macro MACRONAME)-->
...<!--(macro MACRONAME)-->...<!--(end)-->...

MACRONAME may consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores ([0-9A-Za-z_]+).

Note that the last newline (before <!--(end)-->) is removed from the macro, so that defining and using a macro does not add additional empty lines.

Usage in expressions:


KEYWORD_ARGs can be any number of comma-separated name-value-pairs (name=value, ...), and these names then will be locally defined inside the macro -- in addition to those already defined for the whole template.


<!--(macro header)-->
  <title>A simple example: @!title!@</title>

<!--(macro myfunc)-->
<li><!--(if exists("link"))--><a href="@!link!@">@!default("item",link)!@</a><!--(else)-->@!item!@<!--(end)--></li>

@!myfunc(item="Macros are fun!")!@
@!myfunc(item="Simple is better", link="")!@

Macros are protected against double-escaping, so if you use @!MACRONAME!@ or @!MACRONAME(...)!@, the result of the macro is not escaped again, and behaves exactly like $!MACRONAME!$ or $!MACRONAME(...)!$. But note that this only works if the macro is used as single expression inside @!...!@ -- if you use additional expressions in the same substitution, e.g. @!MACRONAME + "hi"!@, then the result would be escaped again.

3.3.4   raw



Everything inside a raw block is passed verbatim to the result.

3.3.5   include



Include another template-file. Only a single filename (+whitespace) is allowed inside of the block; if you want to include several files, use several include-blocks.

Note that inclusion of other templates is only supported when loading the template from a file. For simplicity and security, FILENAME may not contain a path, and only files which are in the same directory as the template itself can be included.

3.3.6   set_escape

Since the template-engine can be used for all kind of documents, it may be useful if the calling Python-code doesn't need to know which format the template is of. But then, the template itself has to define its format, and especially which special characters should be escaped.



Currently, FORMAT supports "None", "HTML", "mail_header" and "LaTeX" (see Substitution) [6].

set_escape affects every substitution in the template after this command. It's also possible to use different escapings in the same template by using several such set_escape blocks at different places.

[6]Note that FORMAT is case-insensitive, so e.g. html, Html and HTML are equal, and that whitespace around FORMAT is ignored.

3.4   Expressions

A template needs some kind of "programming-language" to access variables, calculate things, format data, check conditions etc. inside the template. So, you could invent and implement an own language therefore -- or you could use an already existing and well designed language: Python.

pyratemp uses embedded Python-expressions. An expression is everything which evaluates to a value, e.g. variables, arithmetics, comparisons, boolean expressions, function/method calls, list comprehensions etc. [7]. And such Python expressions can be directly used in the template -- this makes pyratemp very powerful. But since it would be a bad idea to directly embed unrestricted Python-code in a template, these expressions are restricted by a pseudo-sandbox.


  • numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, ...: 12.34, "hello", [1,2,3], ...
  • variable-access: var, mylist[i], mydict["key"], myclass.attr
  • function/method call: myfunc(...), "foobar".upper()
  • comparison: (i < 0  or  j > 1024)
  • arithmetics: 1+2

For details, please read the Python-documentation about Python expressions.

Note that accessing undefined variables in the template is considered to be an error. I chose this behaviour in contrast to many other template-engines (which often ignore undefined variables), since ignoring undefined variables would silently hide some errors, which is a bad idea. For ignoring or using a default-value for undefined variables, see default() below.

The following Python-built-in values/functions are available by default in the template:


cmp()       [removed in 0.3.0]
isinstance() [new in 0.3.1 / 0.2.4]

bytes()     [new in 0.3.0]
set()       [new in 0.3.1 / 0.2.4]
xrange()    [removed in 0.3.0]

dir()       [new in 0.3.1 / 0.2.4]

Additionally, the functions exists(), default(), setvar() and escape() are defined as follows:


Test if a variable (or any other object) with the name varname exists (in the current locals-namespace). Note that the name of the variable has to be quoted, and that this only works for single variable names, e.g. exists("mylist"). If you want to test more complicated expressions, use the default()-function.

It's especially useful in if-conditions to check if some (optional) variable exists, and then to branch accordingly.


<!--(if exists("foo"))-->YES<!--(else)-->NO<!--(end)-->
default("expr", default=None):

default() tries to evaluate the expression expr. If the evaluation succeeds and the result is not None, its value is returned; otherwise, if the expression contains undefined variables/attributes, the default-value is returned instead. Note that expr has to be quoted.

Since it is considered an error when the template tries to evaluate an undefined variable, this can be used to use default-values for optional variables, e.g. Name: @!default("myvar", "No name given.")!@.


hi @!default("optional","anyone")!@

@!default("5*var1+var2","missing variable")!@

<!--(if default("opt1+opt2",0) > 0)-->yes<!--(else)-->no<!--(end)-->

<!--(for i in default("optional_list",[]))-->@!i!@<!--(end)-->
setvar("name", "expr"):

Although there is often a more elegant way, sometimes it is useful or necessary to set variables in the template. setvar() can also be used to capture the output of e.g. an evaluated macro.

Note that variables, which are set inside of a macro, can not be accessed outside of the macro.


$!setvar("i", "i+1")!$
escape("string", format=HTML):

Escape special characters. This is the same function, pyratemp uses internally for @!...!@, with a configurable format.

Supported formats: "None", "HTML", "mail_header", "LaTeX"


$!escape(subject, "MAIL_HEADER")!$

Note that you can use any expression evaluating to the desired string/value for all parameters (varname, expr, default, name) above.

Please look into the pyratemp-docstrings for more examples of exists(), default() and setvar().

More/user-defined functions can be added to the template as "data" (see User-interface), or by extending the evaluator.

[7]Note that only Python expressions can be used, Python statements are not possible. In contrast to Python expressions, statements do not have a value but "do something" (e.g. if/for, print, raise, return, import etc.). See also and

4   Python-side

pyratemp is modular and consists of several parts:

  • First, the template is loaded,
  • then, it is syntax-checked and parsed into a tree,
  • later, it is rendered with some data, using
  • some kind of evaluation for the expressions
  • and some escaping for the substitutions.

Normally, you don't really need to know these parts, and may simply use the "user-interface" of the template-engine. If you are only interested in how to use the template-engine, it's enough to read the User-interface-section below and skip the rest of this chapter. But for all who want to know more, here are also some details of the internal concepts of pyratemp.

Note that pyratemp makes heavy use of docstrings, and all classes, functions etc. are documented there, so please read them (e.g. with pydoc pyratemp).

4.1   User-interface

The user-interface of the template-engine consists of a single class: pyratemp.Template. This loads a template, checks its syntax, parses it, and can render it with your data.

class Template(string|filename|parsetree, encoding="utf-8", data=None, escape=HTML):

Load (and parse) a template. The template can either be directly given as string, or loaded from a file, or an already parsed template can be used.

encoding sets the charset-encoding of the loaded template (default: UTF-8).

data can be a dictionary containing some data which should be filled into the template by default (=if the variables etc. are not given when calling/rendering the template).

escape defines which special-characters should be escaped in substitutions by default (currently supported: NONE, HTML, MAIL_HEADER and LATEX). The escaping can also be set directly in the template (see set_escape), and setting the escape-format in the template overrides the one set here.

Note that you have to use keyword-parameters here!

To render the template, simply call the template with your data as (keyword-)parameters. This returns the result in Unicode, and you should encode it depending on your needs. Of course, the same template can be rendered several times with different data.


>>> import pyratemp
>>> t = pyratemp.Template(filename="test.html", data={"number": 1}, escape=pyratemp.HTML)
>>> result1 = t(person="Monty")
>>> result2 = t(person="Adams", number=42)
>>> print result1.encode("utf-8")
>>> print result2.encode("ascii", 'xmlcharrefreplace')

Note that data (and the keyword-parameters when calling the template) can contain nearly anything: single variables, lists, other dictionaries, nested structures, functions and even classes. So be careful what you pass to the template. If you e.g. pass the Python-built-in-function open to the template, your template will be able to open (and write) arbitrary files!

In addition, version 0.3.1/0.2.4 added a new file, which eases the creation of html-files and mails.


>>> from import html, mail

>>> result = html(template="test.tmpl", data={"number": 1}, xmlreplace=True)
>>> print result

>>> html(template="test.tmpl", data={"number": 1}, xmlreplace=True, filename="result.html")

>>> mail(maildir="outbox/", template="mail.tmpl", data={"from": ""})

4.2   Internal parts

As said before, pyratemp consists of several parts, which are independent:

  • an escaping-function (escape())
  • a template-loader (class LoaderString or class LoaderFile)
  • a parser (class Parser)
  • a pseudo-sandboxed evaluator (class EvalPseudoSandbox)
  • a renderer (class Renderer)
  • a basic template-structure, e.g. used for macros/subtemplates (class TemplateBase)

All parts could even be used on their own, or modified (e.g. by creating subclasses) or replaced by an other implementation. Modified parts can then be used by setting the parameters loader_class, parser_class, renderer_class, eval_class or escape_func of class Template, or by creating a modified template-user-interface-class.

Read the pyratemp-docstrings for details.

4.2.1   escaping

Currently, HTML-, e-mail-header- and LaTeX-escaping are implemented in the function escape(). This may be extended in the future.

Note that escaping is currently one of the most time-consuming parts when rendering a template.

4.2.2   Loader

There are two sources to "load" a template from: either directly from a string, or from a file. Since templates-from-files can include other templates, this "template-loading" is encapsulated into classes (class LoaderString and class LoaderFile).

These classes contain a function load(...), which actually loads the template and returns the result in Unicode.

Inclusion of other templates (by using <!--(include)-->)) is only possible when loading the template from a file, and (for simplicity and security) all included templates have to be in the same directory as the including template (see allowed_path of class LoaderFile).

4.2.3   Parser

It's better, cleaner and even faster to parse the template first and afterwards separately render it (maybe multiple times).

The parser (class Parser) analyzes the template-string, checks the syntax (and throws exceptions with detailed error-descriptions if there is an error), and generates a parse-tree. Since indentation is used for nesting in the template, the template can be completely parsed by using regexps, which makes parsing really fast and simple.

Most of the parser-code is used to check for (syntax-)errors and to create error-messages.

The resulting parse-tree is a recursive list, with the following elements:

  • ("str", STRING) (for unprocessed template-data and "raw")
  • ("sub", EXPR) (for unescaped substitution)
  • ("esc", ESCAPEFORMAT, EXPR) (for escaped substitution)
  • ("for", NAMETUPLE, ITEREXPR, [...])
  • ("if",   PARAM, [...])
  • ("elif", PARAM, [...])
  • ("else", PARAM, [...])
  • ("macro", PARAM, [...])

Examples (see Quickstart):

  • parse-tree of "Hello @!name!@.":

    [('str', u'Hello '), ('esc', 1, u'name'), ('str', u'.')]
  • parse-tree of example.html, formatted for readability:

    [('str', u'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"\n          "">\n<html>\n<head>\n  <title>A simple example: '),
     ('esc', 1, u'title'),
     ('str', u'</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n  <h1>'),
     ('esc', 1, u'title'),
     ('str', u'</h1>\n  This is a simple example, demonstrating pyratemp:\n  \n  <ul>\n    \n    <li>'),
     ('esc', 1, u'special_chars'),
     ('str', u'</li>\n\n    <li>\n'),
     ('if',  u'number==42',
        [('str', u'        The Answer!\n')]),
     ('elif', u'number==13',
        [('str', u'        oh no!\n')]),
        [('str', u'        '),
         ('esc', 1, u'number'),
         ('str', u'\n')]),
     ('str', u'    </li>\n\n    <li>a simple for loop: '),
     ('for', (u'i',), u'range(1,10)',
        [('str', u' '),
         ('esc', 1, u'i'),
         ('str', u' ')]),
     ('str', u'</li>\n\n    <li>listing all enumerated elements of a list:\n      <ul>\n'),
     ('for', (u'i', u'element'), u'enumerate(mylist)',
        [('str', u'        <li>'),
         ('esc', 1, u'i+1'),
         ('str', u'. '),
         ('esc', 1, u'element.upper()'),
         ('str', u'</li>\n')]),
     ('str', u'      </ul>\n    </li>\n\n'),
     ('macro', u'myitem',
        [('str', u'<li><strong>'),
         ('esc', 1, u'item'),
         ('str', u'</strong></li>')]),
     ('str', u'    '),
     ('esc', 1, u'myitem(item="foo")'),
     ('str', u'\n    '),
     ('esc', 1, u'myitem(item="bar")'),
     ('str', u'\n\n  </ul>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n')]

4.2.4   Evaluation

pyratemp uses Python-expressions [8] in its templates.

But since it is a really bad idea to directly embed unrestricted code into a template [9], pyratemp uses a "pseudo-sandbox" for evaluating the Python-expressions. This restricts the embedded expressions, so that the template-designer only has the necessary functionality and cannot do "bad things" by accident.

This pseudo-sandbox is implemented in the class EvalPseudoSandbox. It only allows a (safe) subset of the Python-builtins and adds some additional functions (exists(), default(), setvar() and a dummy __import__(); see Expressions). It also forbids access to names beginning with _, to prevent things like 0 .__class__, which could be used to break out of the sandbox.

See docstring for details.

But note that this may not be a real sandbox! Although I currently don't know any way to break out of this sandbox, and I think that it shouldn't be possible to break out (without passing in an unsafe function [10]), I'm not absolutely sure about that.

So, if you want to use pyratemp for "untrusted" templates, you should make sure that nothing bad can happen. There are different possible ways:

  • Approve that it's not possible to break out of the integrated "pseudo-sandbox".

  • Make sure that nothing bad can happen even if someone breaks out of the sandbox (e.g. by appropriate rights).

  • Add a really sandboxed expression-evaluator, and use it instead of the EvalPseudoSandbox class. This could even be done incrementally, by first writing a simple evaluator which only supports string-substitution, and then adding comparisons, arithmetics and other functionality as needed.
    But since such a sandboxed evaluator would increase the complexity and probably would only support a subset of the Python-expressions, I did not write such an evaluator yet.
[8]Note that there is a difference between Python-expressions (eval()) and Python-statements (exec()). pyratemp only uses eval. (see also: Expressions)
[9]With unrestricted embedded python, bad things like accessing, reading and modifying parts of the system (open("/etc/passwd").read() or worse) would be possible. In addition to that, unrestricted code would also tempt the template-designer to break the model-view-separation.
[10]Of course, you should not give the template a "bad" function with its data. If you do something like t(badfunc=open), then the template will of course be able to open arbitrary files...

4.2.5   Renderer

The renderer (class Renderer) takes a parse-tree and your data, evaluates all embedded expressions and control-structures, expands the macros, escapes special characters (and tries to prevent double-escapes) and returns the result as Unicode-string.

4.2.6   TemplateBase

The class TemplateBase on the one hand implements parts of the user-interface, on the other hand provides the functionality for user-defined macros in the template. Remember that a macro in the template is exactly the same as a (sub-)template!

4.2.7   Compiler

I also wrote a small (about 100 lines) experimental compiler which compiles the templates (or: the parse-trees) to pure Python-code. It's quite simple, and may even speed up the rendering a bit. But since pyratemp is already very fast, and compiling only has advantages if you render a template many times, I haven't developed the compiler any further.

5   Usage notes/FAQ

5.1   syntax errors

To check a pyratemp-template for syntax-errors, simply let pyratemp parse the template. You can do this e.g. with pyratemp_tool with -s and without any data:


If there are syntax-errors, pyratemp raises a TemplateSyntaxError, and pyratemp_tool displays a detailed error-message:

  TemplateSyntaxError: line ##, col ##: ...

5.2   fillout/render test

For a complete test, you have to render the template. Of course you can do this in your application, with real data, but probably it's easier to test it outside of the application with some "dummy data".

This again can be done by pyratemp_tool. Simply create a JSON-file (or a YAML-file) with your dummy data, and invoke pyratemp_tool. If the JSON-/YAML-file contains all necessary data, the rendered template will be written to stdout, e.g.:

$ -f example.json example.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

Otherwise, if some data is missing (or invalid) or some expressions are invalid, pyratemp raises a TemplateRenderError and tells you what data is missing, e.g.:

$ -f dummydata.json example.html
file 'example.html':
  TemplateRenderError: Cannot eval expression 'title' (NameError: name 'title' is not defined)

5.3   whitespace handling

If you need to remove some whitespace (e.g. a newline), you can put it into comments, e.g. a #! at the end of a line removes the newline in the result.

5.4   setting variables

There's sometimes the wish to set variables in the template. But there's often a more elegant way to solve the problem without setting variables.

For example, instead of:

<!--(for obj in arr)-->
    @!i!@. @!obj!@
    $!setvar("i", "i+1")!$ #!

better use:

<!--(for i,obj in enumerate(arr))-->
    @!i!@. @!obj!@

But if you really need to set variables, you can use setvar() (see Expressions).

5.5   capture output

To capture the output of a macro into a variable, you can also use setvar():

<!--(macro mymacro)-->
$!setvar("myvar", "mymacro()")!$#!

5.6   filters

Some template-engines have so-called "filters", which are functions which process the contents of a whole block. This behaviour can be easily achieved with pyratemp, too:

<!--(macro myblock)-->

5.7   select macro / overwrite macro

Macros can be overwritten, even based on a conditional. This may be useful if you want to globally change the output depending on some options.


<!--(macro field)-->show_field $!param!$<!--(end)-->
<!--(macro input_field)-->input_field $!param!$<!--(end)-->

<!--(if x=="overwrite")-->
  <!--(macro field)-->


5.8   evaluation order / caches

The expressions, macros etc. are evaluated at rendering-time, not at define-/parse-time.

So, e.g. a macro is evaluated each time it is called/used. If you want something to be evaluated only once, no matter how often it is used, you may:

  • store the evaluation-result in a variable with setvar() and then use the variable
  • write a cache-function in Python and use it in your template

5.9   using functions which import other modules

Some Python-functions, which may be useful in the template, try to import other modules, e.g. datetime.strftime imports time. But importing modules is of course not allowed in the (pseudo-)sandbox, so this fails.

The best solution would be to avoid these functions and e.g. use time.strftime instead of datetime.strftime.

For the cases where this is not possible, the pyratemp-pseudo-sandbox contains a dummy-import-function, which allows to virtually import modules which are already accessible from within the sandbox.
But note that then the template maybe needs to have access to the complete "imported" module (in the example: complete time module, plus probably large parts of the datetime module), which might be a security risk and break the sandbox!
See the docstring of EvalPseudoSandbox.f_import for details.

5.10   shortcuts / template-syntax-extension

Sometimes shortcuts for often-used things might be useful. Therefore, you can:

  • Define macros.
    This is probably the most common way.
  • Define a Python-function and pass it to the template.
    (But take care that you don't break the model-view-separation!)
  • Extend the template-syntax. [advanced]
    This essentially modifies the template-engine, and you should only do this if you are really sure that you want it, and that the alternatives do not work in your case!

    The simplest way to introduce new syntax probably is to load the template-file, map your new syntax (e.g. with regexps) to normal pyratemp-syntax, and let pyratemp do the rest.

    Example: The new syntax @x!...!x@ should be added, which should do the same as @!myfunc(...)!@:

    import re
    import pyratemp
    class MyLoader(pyratemp.LoaderFile):
        my_replacement = re.compile(r'@x!\s*(.*?)\s*!x@')
        load(self, filename):
            u = pyratemp.LoaderFile(self, filename)
            u = my_replacement.sub(r'@! myfunc("\1") !@', u)
            return u
    t = pyratemp.Template(..., loader_class=MyLoader)

5.11   return data from the template to the caller

In some rare cases, it might be useful to return data (e.g. a returncode) from the template to the caller. This is possible with pyratemp. But note that this can easily break the model-view-separation, so think twice about it before using it, and use it with care!


import pyratemp

retdict = {}
def setreturn(name, value):
    """Quick-hack to export data from the template to the code.
    retdict[name] = value
    return ""

t = pyratemp.Template("""Return myreturn=True to the caller: @!setreturn("myreturn", True)!@""")
print("retdict: %s" % retdict)

6   Tools

6.1   pyratemp_tool is a simple command-line-interface to pyratemp which can (a) syntax-check the templates and (b) fill/render templates with the data from JSON- or YAML-files or from key-value-pairs from the command-line. Errors/messages are print to stderr, rendered templates are written to stdout in UTF-8.

By default, HTML-escaping is used for *.html and *.htm, LaTeX-escaping is used for *.tex and no escaping is used for other files. Use set_escape if you need a different encoding.

Two additional variables are defined: date and mtime_CCYYMMDD, both containing the current date in the "YYYY-MM-DD"-format.

Usage (see also --help and pydoc pyratemp_tool): [-s] <-d NAME=VALUE> <-f DATAFILE [-N NAME] [-n NR_OF_ENTRY]> [--xml] TEMPLATEFILES
    -s      syntax-check only (don't render the template)
    -d      define variables (these also override the values from files)
    -f      use variables from a JSON/YAML file
    -n      use nth entry of the JSON/YAML file
            (JSON: n-th element of the root-array, YAML: n-th entry)
    -N      namespace for variables from the JSON/YAML file
    --xml   encode output as ASCII+xmlcharrefreplace (instead of utf-8)

For the 2nd example of Quickstart, a JSON-file might look like:

  "title" : "filling JSON into pyratemp",
  "special_chars" : "µ<߀",
  "number" : 13,
  "mylist" : [ "JSON", "YAML", "manually-defined variables" ]

To fill the template, with using a different value for number than in the JSON-file, invoke pyratemp_tool as follows:

$ -d number=42 -f example.json example.html > filled.html

Now, the result is in filled.html

7   Download

pyratemp is used in several applications for several years now without any problems and it's quite stable. But it has been tested only by a few people, so there may still be bugs in it. Please report any problems.

pyratemp consists of a single python-file, which you can directly copy into some directory where import can find it, e.g. the same directory as your other code.

If you want to be informed about new releases, bugfixes etc., please subscribe to the pyratemp-announce list.

Author:Roland Koebler (rk at simple-is-better dot org)
Requirements:Python >=2.6 / 3.x, optionally Python 2.x [11]
Download:pyratemp-0.3.2.tgz (52 kB) (view contents)
[11]for Python <= 2.5, use version 0.2.5: pyratemp-0.2.5.tgz

8   Contact

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you find any bugs, have any questions, comments, suggestions etc.! It would also be nice to drop me a note if you are simply using pyratemp.

rk at
(in English or German)

There is also a pyratemp-announcement-list and a pyratemp-mailinglist:

pyratemp-announce at
(new releases, bugfixes etc.)
pyratemp at
(currently completely moderated)

Announcements will also be posted to this list, so if you subscribed to this list, you don't need to subscribe to pyratemp-announce.